14 min read
Last updated: Oct 5, 2024
How to Use Google Dorks?
To use a Google Dork, you simply type in a Dork into the search box on Google and press “Enter”. Here are some of the best Google Dork queries that you can use to search for information on Google.
Google Dork Queries Examples:
- site:.edu “phone number”– This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “phone number”. student “phone number” – This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “student” and “phone number”.
- inurl:edu “login” – This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “login”. This Dork searches for school websites that contain student login information.
- “powered by vbulletin” site:.edu – This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for school websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- “powered by vbulletin” site:.gov – This Dork searches for websites on .gov domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for governmental websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- “powered by vbulletin” site:.mil – This Dork searches for websites on .mil domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for military websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- “powered by vbulletin” inurl:.edu – This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for school websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- “powered by vbulletin” inurl:.mil – This Dork searches for websites on .mil domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for military websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- inurl:.com “powered by vbulletin” – This Dork searches for websites on .com domains that contain the words “powered by vbulletin”. This Dork searches for websites that are running on the vbulletin forum software.
- inurl:.edu “register forum” – This Dork searches for websites on .edu domains that contain the words “register forum”. This Dork searches for school websites that allow you to register for a forum.
- inurl:.gov “register forum” – This Dork searches for websites on .gov domains that contain the words “register forum”. This Dork searches for governmental websites that allow you to register for a forum.
Scraper API provides a proxy service designed for web scraping. With over 20 million residential IPs across 12 countries, as well as software that can handle JavaScript rendering and solving CAPTCHAs, you can quickly complete large scraping jobs without ever having to worry about being blocked by any servers.
Google Dorks Updated Database for Files Containing Usernames:
intitle:"index of" "/usernames"intext:"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" ext:txtintitle:"index of" "contacts.txt"intitle:"index of" "db.properties" | "db.properties.BAK"intitle:"index of" "credentials.xml" | "credentials.inc" | "credentials.txt"jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433 + username + password ext:yml | ext:javaintitle:"index of" "password.yml"'dsn: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=" ext:yml | ext:txt "password:"intitle:"index of" "sitemanager.xml" | "recentservers.xml"intitle:"index of" "filezilla.xml""DefaultPassword" ext:reg "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]"inurl:user intitle:index of ext:sql | xls | xml | json | csvfiletype:csv intext:"Secret access key"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlabintitle:"index of" "/parameters.yml*""CREATE ROLE" + "ENCRYPTED PASSWORD" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:ini -git -gitlabFile contains Sensitive Information"index of" "users.frm"intitle:"index of" "tomcat-users.xml"intitle:"index of" "/ftpusers"intitle:"index of" "users.sql"allintext:username filetype:logintitle:"index of" service.grpintitle:index.of "users.db""username.xlsx" ext:xlsxinurl:/_layouts/mobile/view.aspx?List="authentication failure; logname=" ext:loginurl:/profile.php?lookup=1intext:"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" inurl:*=/etc/passwdinurl:"/root/etc/passwd" intext:"home/*:"site:extremetracking.com inurl:"login="intext:"SteamUserPassphrase=" intext:"SteamAppUser=" -"username" -"user"inurl:root.asp?acs=anonfiletype:conf inurl:proftpd.conf -samplefiletype:log username puttyfiletype:reg reg +intext:"internet account manager"filetype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER username+intext:"webalizer" +intext:"Total Usernames" +intext:"Usage Statistics for"inurl:php inurl:hlstats intext:"Server Username"index.of perform.ini"index of" / lckinurl:admin inurl:userlistinurl:admin filetype:asp inurl:userlistintitle:index.of .bash_historyintitle:index.of .sh_history
Google Dorks Updated Database for Files Containing Passwords:
intitle:"Index of" htpasswdintitle:"Index of" pwd.dbsite:rentry.co intext:"password"site:pastebin.com "admin password"site:controlc.com intext:"password"site:pastebin.com "password"site:pastebin.com intext:pass.txtintext:"Index of" intext:"password.zip"intext:"index of" "uploads"intext:"password" | "passwd" | "pwd" site:ghostbin.comsite:pastebin.com intext:password.txtintext:"/pfx-password.txt" "[To Parent Directory]"site:pastebin.com intext:username | password | SECRET_KEYinurl:/wp-content/uploads/ ext:txt "username" | "user name" | "uname" | "user" | "userid" | "user id" AND "password" | "pass word" | "pwd" | "pw"inurl:password site:shodan.iointitle:"index of" "passwrod*"intitle:"index of" "credentials"allintext:password filetype:log after:2018"index of /" +passwdintitle: "Index of ftp passwords"Inurl: "login" Intitle:index of username and passinurl:wp-config.php.save"enable secret 5" ext:txt | ext:cfgfiletype:log username adminsite:pastebin.com intitle:"password" 2021inurl:/wp-content/uploads/data.txtallintext:"*.@gmail.com" OR "password" OR "username" filetype:xlsxinurl:/wp-content/uploads/ ext:txt "username" AND "password" | "pwd" | "pw""# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) "# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwdsite:*.blob.core.windows.net ext:xls | ext:xlsx (login | password | username)"public $user =" | "public $password = " | "public $secret =" | "public $db =" ext:txt | ext:log -gitintitle:"index of" "application-users.properties" | "mgmt-users.properties" | "*standalone.xml""cpanel username" "cpanel password" ext:txt"insert into users" "VALUES" ext:sql | ext:txt | ext:log | ext:env"password 7" ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfgintitle:"index of" "idx_config""mailer_password:" + "mailer_host:" + "mailer_user:" + "secret:" ext:ymlintext:construct('mysql:host"define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY'" + "define('LOGGED_IN_KEY'" + "define('NONCE_KEY'" ext:txt | ext:cfg | ext:env | ext:ini"keystorePass=" ext:xml | ext:txt -git -gitlab"define('DB_USER'," + "define('DB_PASSWORD'," ext:txtintitle:"index of" "anaconda-ks.cfg" | "anaconda-ks-new.cfg"intitle:"index of" "config.exs" | "dev.exs" | "test.exs" | "prod.secret.exs"jdbc:oracle://localhost: + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlabjdbc:postgresql://localhost: + username + password ext:yml | ext:java -git -gitlabjdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ + username + password ext:yml | ext:javascript -git -gitlab"spring.datasource.password=" + "spring.datasource.username=" ext:properties -git -gitlabext:log password END_FILEsite:pastebin.com intext:admin.password"db.username" + "db.password" ext:propertiesext:cfg "g_password" | "sv_privatepassword" | "rcon_password" -git -gitlab"server.cfg" ext:cfg intext:"rcon_password" -git -gitlab"anaconda-ks.cfg" | "ks.cfg" ext:cfg -git -gitlabrootpw --iscrypted ext:cfg"admin_password" ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg"index of" "password.ini"filetype:log intext:password after:2015 intext:@gmail.com | @yahoo.com | @hotmail.com"'username' =>" + "'password' =>" ext:logext:txt intext:@yahoo.com intext:passwordintitle:"database.php" inurl:"database.php" intext:"db_password" -git -gitlabext:xls intext:@gmail.com intext:password"POSTGRES_PASSWORD=" ext:txt | ext:cfg | ext:env | ext:ini | ext:yml | ext:sql -git -gitlab"/** MySQL database password */" ext:txt | ext:cfg | ext:env | ext:ini"EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" ext:yml | ext:env | ext:txt | ext:logallintext:"redis_password" ext:envintext:"db_database" ext:env intext:"db_password""Index of" "/yahoo_site_admin/credentials"intitle:"index of" "/master.passwd"allintext:password filetype:loginurl:logs intext:GET https:// ext:txt intext:password intext:username"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:" ext:env OR ext:yml -gitfiletype:env "DB_PASSWORD""config.php.bak" intitle:"index of"intext:"Index of /password""index of" ".env"intitle:"index of" "config.neon" OR "config.local.neon"intitle:"index of" "passwords.xlsx"inurl:*helpdesk* intext:"your default password is""MasterUserPassword" ext:cfg OR ext:log OR ext:txt -git"/etc/shadow root:$" ext:cfg OR ext:log OR ext:txt OR ext:sql -gitintitle:"index of " "*.passwords.txt"intitle:"index of" "db.ini""super password level 3 cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log"admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfgintitle:"index of" application.iniintitle:"index of" "database.ini" OR "database.ini.old"intitle:"index of" "db.connection.js""create account" admin ext:cfg"d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password" ext:cfg"configure account user encrypted" ext:cfgintitle:"Index of" dbconnect.incintext:authentication set encrypted-password ext:cfg"enable password" ext:cfg -git -cisco.compassword console-password ext:cfg -gitintitle:"index of" "credentials.yml"intitle:"index of" "passwords.yml"intext:"WPENGINE_SESSION_DB_USERNAME" || "WPENGINE_SESSION_DB_PASSWORD"intext:"username=" AND "password=" ext:logintitle:index.of "creds.txt"intitle:"index of" share.passwd OR cloud.passwd OR ftp.passwd -publicintitle:"index of" "db.conf"intitle:"Index of" password.txt"contrasena" filetype:sql -github.comintext:"@gmail.com" intext:"password" inurl:/files/ ext:txtintitle:"index of" "ftp.passwd"intitle:"index of" "htpasswd.txt""pass" "usuario" filetype:sqlintext:"aspx" filetype:txt login & passwordinurl:users.json + "username"intext:"wordpress" filetype:xls login & passwords3 site:amazonaws.com filetype:xls passwordinurl:login.txt filetype:txtintitle:settings.py intext:EMAIL_USE_TLS -git -stackoverflowinurl:wp-config.php intext:DB_PASSWORD -stackoverflow -wpbeginnerintitle:settings.py intext:EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD -git -stackoverflowusername | password inurl:resources/application.properties -github.com -gitlabfiletype:xml config.xml passwordHash Jenkinsintext:jdbc:oracle filetype:javafiletype:txt $9$ JunOSfiletype:reg reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER intext:passwordinurl:"standalone.xml" intext:"password>"/_wpeprivate/config.jsoninurl:"build.xml" intext:"tomcat.manager.password"intitle:"index of" intext:login.csvinurl:"trello.com" and intext:"username" and intext:"password"inurl:"wp-license.php?file=../..//wp-config""battlefield" "email" site:pastebin.cominurl:wp-config.bakintext:"rabbit_password" | "service_password" filetype:conf"whoops! there was an error." "db_password"intext:"login" department | admin | manager | company | host filetype:xls | xlsx -community -githubintext:"please change your" password |code | login file:pdf | doc | txt | docx -githubinurl:configuration.php and intext:"var $password="inurl:/dbcp.properties + filetype:properties -github.comintext:define('AUTH_KEY', ' wp-config.php filetype:txtinurl:wp-config-backup.txt"password.xlsx" ext:xlsxfiletype:env intext:REDIS_PASSWORDsite:showmyhomework.co.uk/school/homeworks/ "password"intitle:"index.of" inurl:"cvs" login | passwd | password | access | pass -github -pubfiletype:doc inurl:"gov" intext:"default password is"site:trello.com intext:mysql AND intext:password -site:developers.trello.com -site:help.trello.comintext:"PuTTY log" ext:log "password" -supportforums -githubinurl:"/App.Config" + ext:config + "password=" -github -gitintitle:"Index of" intext:"Login Data"inurl:"servlet/ViewFormServlet?" "pwd"Codeigniter filetype:sql intext:password | pwd intext:username | uname intext: Insert into users valuesintitle:"index.of" "places.sqlite" "key3.db" -mozilla.orgintitle:"index.of" "places.sqlite" "Mail" thunderbird -mozilla.org -scanfiletype:config "" "password" "web.config" -stackoverflow -youtube.com -githubext:ini Robust.ini filetype:ini "password"inurl:"config.xml" "password" ext:xml -stackoverflow.com -github.cominurl:"databases.yml" ext:yml password -githubinurl:/host.txt + filetype:txt + "password"intitle:"Index Of" intext:".vscode"intitle:"index of /" inanchor:.kdbxsite:pastebin.com "rcon_password"CakePHP inurl:database.php intext:db_passwordintext:password inurl:"/log/production" ext:log"database_password" filetype:yml "config/parameters.yml"MAIL_PASSWORD" filetype:env"database_password" filetype:yml "config/parameters.yml"intitle:"Index Of" intext:sftp-config.jsonext:config + " password=" + ""password" + ext:conf "Modem Type = USB Modem"ext:inf SetupMgrTag AdminPassword"enable secret" ext:cfg -git -cisco.cominurl:"gradle.properties" intext:"proxyPassword"site:trello.com passwordintext:connectionString & inurl:web & ext:configintitle:"Index Of" intext:.ftpconfiginurl:_vti_pvt/administrators.pwdinurl:"sitemanager.xml" ext:xml -gitintext:DB_PASSWORD || intext:"MySQL hostname" ext:txtsite:pastebin.com intext:"*@*.com:*""resources.db.params.password" ext:ini -git"iSpy Keylogger" "Passwords Log" ext:txt"mysqli_connect" ext:incext:reg " [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ORL\WinVNC3]" -git" End Stealer " ext:txt"FileZilla" inurl:"recentservers.xml" -git"Stealer by W33DY" ext:txtinurl:"/zebra.conf" ext:conf -gitext:fetchmailrc"[main]" "enc_GroupPwd=" ext:txt"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ext:keyfiletype:bak inurl:php "mysql_connect""# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd"INSERT INTO phpbb_users" ext:sql"END_FILE" inurl:"/password.log""Index of" "logins.json" "key3.db"inurl:"-wp13.txt""your default password is" filetype:pdfsite:cloudshark.org/captures# passwordintitle:"index of/" CCCam.cfginurl:github.com intitle:config intext:"/msg nickserv identify"inurl:proftpdpasswdinurl:"/wp-content/wpclone-temp/wpclone_backup/"site:static.ow.ly/docs/ intext:@gmail.com | Passwordsite:github.com ext:csv userid | username | user -example passwordintext:"eav" filetype:txtfiletype:pcf "cisco" "GroupPwd"site:pastebin.com intext:@gmail.com | @yahoo.com | @hotmail.com daterange:2457388-2457491intext:"END_FILE" ext:loginurl:wp-config -intext:wp-config "'DB_PASSWORD'""Password=" inurl:web.config -intext:web.config ext:configinurl:wp-content/uploads filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx passwordintext:"GET http://" ext:txt intext:"password" inurl:logintext:http | https intext:login | logon intext:password | passcode filetype:xls | filetype:xlsxext:sql intext:username intext:passwordinurl:"ftp" intext:"user" | "username" | "userID" | "user ID" | "logon" | "login" intext:"password" | "passcode" filetype:xls | filetype:xlsxintext:smtp | pop3 intext:login | logon intext:password | passcode filetype:xls | filetype:xlsxext:xls intext:NAME intext:TEL intext:EMAIL intext:PASSWORDinurl:etc -intext:etc ext:passwdfiletype:log intext:password | pass | pwintext:@pwcache "parent directory"site:pastebin.com intext:Usernameintext:DB_PASSWORD ext:envext:csv intext:"password"ext:sql intext:"alter user" intext:"identified by"inurl:"security/xamppdirpasswd.txt"inurl:yahoo_site_admin/credentials/"automatic teller" "operator manual" "password" filetype:pdfinurl:ws_ftp.ini "[WS_FTP]" filetype:inixamppdirpasswd.txt filetype:txtinurl:typo3conf/localconf.phpinurl:/backup intitle:index of backup intext:*sqlfiletype:password jmxremotesite:github.com inurl:sftp-config.json intext:/wp-content/ext:sql intext:@gmail.com intext:passwordsite:github.com inurl:sftp-config.json"BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" filetype:key -githubfiletype:sql insite:pass && userext:sql intext:@hotmail.com intext :passwordfiletype:config inurl:web.config inurl:ftpfiletype:inc OR filetype:bak OR filetype:old mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnectext:xml ("proto='prpl-'" | "prpl-yahoo" | "prpl-silc" | "prpl-icq")allinurl:"User_info/auth_user_file.txt"inurl:"/dbman/default.pass""parent directory" proftpdpasswd intitle:"index of" -google
A Google Dork is a search query that looks for specific information on Google’s search engine. Google Dorks are developed and published by hackers and are often used in “Google Hacking”.
Google Dorks are extremely powerful. They allow you to search for a wide variety of information on the internet and can be used to find information that you didn’t even know existed.
Because of the power of Google Dorks, they are often used by hackers to find information about their victims or to find information that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in websites and web applications.
Google Search Engine is designed to crawl anything over the internet and this helps us to find images, text, videos, news and plethora of information sources. With it’s tremendous capability to crawl, it indexes data along the way, which also includes sensitive information like email addresses, login credentials, sensitive files, website vulnerabilities, and even financial information. In many cases, We
as a user won’t be even aware of it.
- [cache:www.google.com web] will show the cachedcontent with the word “web” highlighted. This functionality is also accessible byclicking on the “Cached” link on Google’s main results page. The query [cache:] willshow the version of the web page that Google has in its cache. For instance,[cache:www.google.com] will show Google’s cache of the Google homepage.
- [link:www.google.com] will list webpages that have links pointing to theGoogle homepage.
- [related:www.google.com] will list web pages that are similar tothe Google homepage.
- [info:www.google.com] will show information about the Googlehomepage.
- The query [define:] will provide a definition of the words you enter after it,gathered from various online sources. The definition will be for the entire phraseentered (i.e., it will include all the words in the exact order you typed them). Eg: [define:google]
- If you begin a query with the [stocks:] operator, Google will treat the restof the query terms as stock ticker symbols, and will link to a page showing stockinformation for those symbols. For instance, [stocks: intc yhoo] will show informationabout Intel and Yahoo. (Note you must type the ticker symbols, not the company name.)
- If you include [site:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to thosewebsites in the given domain. For instance, [help site:www.google.com] will find pagesabout help within www.google.com. [help site:com] will find pages about help within.com urls. Note there can be no space between the “site:” and the domain.
- If you start a query with [allintitle:], Google will restrict the resultsto those with all of the query words in the title. For instance,[allintitle: google search] will return only documents that have both “google”and “search” in the title.
- If you include [intitle:] in your query, Google will restrict the resultsto documents containing that word in the title. For instance, [intitle:google search]will return documents that mention the word “google” in their title, and mention theword “search” anywhere in the document (title or no). Putting [intitle:] in front of everyword in your query is equivalent to putting [allintitle:] at the front of yourquery: [intitle:google intitle:search] is the same as [allintitle: google search].
- If you start a query with [allinurl:], Google will restrict the results tothose with all of the query words in the url. For instance, [allinurl: google search]will return only documents that have both “google” and “search” in the url. Notethat [allinurl:] works on words, not url components. In particular, it ignorespunctuation. Thus, [allinurl: foo/bar] will restrict the results to page with thewords “foo” and “bar” in the url, but won’t require that they be separated by aslash within that url, that they be adjacent, or that they be in that particularword order. There is currently no way to enforce these constraints.
- If you include [inurl:] in your query, Google will restrict the results todocuments containing that word in the url. For instance, [inurl:google search] willreturn documents that mention the word “google” in their url, and mention the word“search” anywhere in the document (url or no). Putting “inurl:” in front of every word in yourquery is equivalent to putting “allinurl:” at the front of your query:[inurl:google inurl:search] is the same as [allinurl: google search].
Google search service is never intended to gain unauthorised access of data but nothing can be done if we ourselves kept data in the open and do not follow proper security mechanisms.
Essentially emails, username, passwords, financial data and etc. shouldn’t be available in public until and unless it’s meant to be. Example, our details with the bank are never expected to be available in a google search. But our social media details are available in public because we ourselves allowed it.
Ending Note
Google Search is very useful as well as equally harmful at the same time. Because it indexes everything available over the web.
You need to follow proper security mechanisms and prevent systems to expose sensitive data. Follow OWASP, it provides standard awareness document for developers and web application security.
Scraper API provides a proxy service designed for web scraping. With over 20 million residential IPs across 12 countries, as well as software that can handle JavaScript rendering and solving CAPTCHAs, you can quickly complete large scraping jobs without ever having to worry about being blocked by any servers.
Note: By no means Box Piper supports hacking. This article is written to provide relevant information only. Always adhering to Data Privacy and Security.