This article will help you find out the following hide
1When to go with your child to the speech therapist - find out from the specialists
1.1What is speech therapy?
1.2When should you go to the speech therapist with your child?
1.3How can you identify if your child has problems?
1.4What is the optimal age to bring the child to the speech therapist?
1.5What are the risks when you don't go to the speech therapist with your child?
2What are the means that a specialist doctor uses?
2.1What does a speech therapist do?
3.1Is there "chemistry" between the speech therapist and the child?
4The child at the speech therapist - advice from specialists
5.1Is the age of 3 too early for speech therapy?
5.2How does the speech therapist work?
5.3Why would a child need a speech therapist?
When to go with your child to the speech therapist - find out from the specialists
What exactly does a specialist speech therapist do? When do you know you have to go to the speech therapist with your little one? What is the contribution of a speech therapist, but also what is the role of the parent? Often, children start speech therapy between the ages of one and three years. Most of the problems related to the child's speech and language appear when the child is between eighteen months and two years old, but it is always a good idea to contact a speech therapist earlier if you have concerns.
What is speech therapy?
Logopedia it is actually a therapy method through which a speech therapist helps the child to pronounce some sounds correctly. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But the most important thing is that at the speech therapy sessions, especially at the first speech therapy session, a therapeutic relationship of acceptance is established. Thus, all the therapy that takes place through a game is accepted by the child and makes him happy.
We try to answer the questions about going with the child to speech therapist.
Together with Consuela Balasa, our colleague Lucia Ionita - speech therapist - we discussed in the program "De vorba cu Doctorul" about the problems that concern us regarding our children. Especially on the subject of speech therapy.
Who identifies the child's problems in order to decide to go to a speech therapist. And last but not least, we are talking about the role of the parent in the treatment of the child.
When should you go to the speech therapist with your child?
It is advisable to go with your child to a speech therapist when you notice that your child has a speech problem. In whatever form it is. Or he doesn't pronounce some sounds correctly. Or this delay appears in the development of speech. During the child's development, he must go through some stages. Those stages have a certain contribution in the later current speech.
How can you identify if your child has problems?
Whether it's about being late or stumbling over words that aren't specific to his age.
Normally, the child should have 20-50 words in his vocabulary. Even if he doesn't pronounce them all correctly, he must have a vocabulary. This vocabulary is essential to develop communication skills. When he reaches 3-4 years old and does not develop this baggage of words, you must go with the child to a speech therapist. There is a problem. There is a lack of adequate stimulation of the child or even he does not have the ability to speak. When the child has a delay in the development of the phono-articulatory apparatus, it means that he will not be able to pronounce the words correctly and needs a little help.
What is the optimal age to bring the child to the speech therapist?
About 3 and a half years would be the most appropriate age to start speech therapy. There are also situations in which the child, at the age of 2, has only 2-3 words in the vocabulary and still needs specialized intervention.
What are the risks when you don't go to the speech therapist with your child?
When you do not go with the child to the speech therapist, he may reach school age and not be able to pronounce the sounds correctly. He will not be able to write the sounds correctly. Phonemic discrimination is also very important. He must recognize each sound the moment he pronounces it so that he can write it. There are children who arrive at school and do not speak, in fact. Thus, they will have no way to develop and will not be able to keep up with the other children in the class. This situation can lead to rhythm disturbances and frustration.
In our literature we also have writers who are said to have started speaking very late. Can this speech progress on its own without help?
There are situations and situations. You cannot say: this child will speak in 6 months and will speak very well until he is seen by a specialist. Child development does not only mean development on one side, such as language. He must have development on all sides, such as motor skills. Thus the parent cannot say . "Let the child talk a lot, but in 6 months."
When we see a child who slurs his words or doesn't speak at all, we tend to categorize him as having below average intelligence.
What is the real connection between cognitive intelligence and language?
There is a certain correlation, indeed. But we cannot say if that child is not subject to an evaluation that he has below average intelligence if he cannot speak. I met children who had above average intelligence, but could not speak at the level of other children of his age.
What are the means that a specialist doctor uses?
First of all, speech therapy requires you to go to the speech therapist with your child. There is a first stage of evaluating the child, of making a diagnosis. Then the language correction methods begin. It is done through myogymnastics exercises. On this occasion, I would recommend the parents to play by making certain contortions in front of the child, so that the child can exercise the muscles of the face and the limbus. Many times the parent corrects his child: "Don't stick out your tongue!". We, on the other hand, often do this in the speech therapy office. We teach the child to stick out his tongue, to wipe his lips with his tongue; to bring the mouth to the nose and chin. All these are extremely important and strengthen the tongue muscle so that it can speak later.
There is one more very important thing. At 6 months, when it is recommended to diversify the food, gradually introduce that slightly more solid food. Thus the tongue will be trained to move in the oral cavity. Chewing must be correct in order to be able to speak later.
What does a speech therapist do?
The speech therapist teaches the child to breathe correctly. It is a very important stage. Many children breathe through their mouths. Inhale and exhale through the mouth. Correct breathing is inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth. So that the air from the pulmonary cavity comes out, to be able to pass through the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity. That way you will be able to get the right sound.
Why is it so important to eat right to speak right later?
The tongue muscle must be trained. During mastication, the tongue has a complex movement. Then she needs to be trained. Training is done through this solid food. Of course, the process will be done gradually, as recommended by doctors to be introduced. At the same time, it must be allowed to be heard. To practice the sounds. Thus, little by little, he gets to control the sound that we actually want from him.
In the "lalation" part, as we psychologists say, the child at the speech therapist plays with the sounds and practices. From one sound it reaches the other. He thus discovers that he pronounces well, that his mother reacts, that the others applaud him. Thus, the more he will use that sound to get the adult's attention. We should not be disturbed by their noise because he discovers what is being said.
I have met children who, when they are in a space that produces an echo, feel even more encouraged.
Is it disturbing? On the contrary. It's not annoying at all. In the park or at play, children must be allowed to scream and practice. It is their place where they can express themselves.
The treatment with the child at the speech therapist is long-term, of course on a case-by-case basis. The route is as follows:
- The first speech therapy sessions are for getting to know each other.
- The therapist's knowledge of the child.
- The child's acceptance of the therapist.
- Acceptance of the game that the therapist initiates.
Afterwards, the breathing exercises appear. These are among the first to be made.
Myogymnastics exercises
The specific exercise for each individual sound.
The therapy is recommended to be done at least 2-3 times a week. In order to obtain much faster results, it is recommended to do exercises at home. The treatment can last from 6 months upwards. It depends on the severity of the affected sound.
What happens between sessions? What should parents know about what exercises to do at home?
Most of the time, the speech therapist uses a notebook in which he notes everything that was worked on in a children's speech therapy session. Thus, the parent can practice at home according to the scheme made by the specialist.
The role of the father
What is the role of the parent in this whole process when do you go with the child to the speech therapist?
The role of the parent is to encourage the child to practice. To present the exercises in the form of a game, as instructed by the therapist. At the end of each session, the therapist explains to the parent what was worked on and how to work from home. He must encourage the child even if he fails to say the correct sound the first time. Effectively, it is only a stage that the child must go through in order to reach adult speech.
Is there "chemistry" between the speech therapist and the child?
Sure yes. There are cases in which the child, even if brought to a cabinet full of toys, does not feel comfortable with that therapist. Any movement or word can influence the child and make him take a step back. This does not mean that the therapist is not well prepared or that the child will not cope with therapy. There may be another person to whom the child will adapt much better and from whom the child will learn much better later. Let's remember the following thing. In school I had teachers I liked and I learned their subject very well and I had teachers I didn't like. Although they were very good as specialists, I did not agree with their subject.
The parent should not be discouraged.
Does he have to search until he finds the right person for the child?
Of course yes. This is the first role of the parent, to find and take the child to a suitable therapist. But be careful.
The parent must think that not in the first 10 minutes he may decide that a therapist is not good for his child.
He must allow the therapist at least 1 hour of accommodation with the child in order to be able to make the decision whether to stay with him or not. The child's first tendency is to play and not to accept a stranger near him. After all, the therapist is a stranger whom he sees for 10 minutes. Do not immediately accept it in the game. That's why this 1-hour accommodation time is necessary.
What role does the kindergarten or school play in identifying and treating speech problems?
Their role is very important. At kindergarten, educators discover children who do not pronounce correctly or who are a little more timid or reserved. Then I can recommend the parent to take the child to a speech therapist. The same thing happens at school. There are children who come to school in the primary classes but they cannot write correctly. This is due to the fact that they do not pronounce the respective sounds correctly in order to be able to identify and write them.
The child at the speech therapist - advice from specialists
I recommend parents to be careful at any stage of the child's development. When they have question marks, they should call a specialist. Even if it's just a question. But be sure that there is no problem in this beautiful course of child development. I recommend parents to take their children to an environment where they can meet children of different ages. This is how they can learn from their elders. They can learn certain games and can develop their skills but also develop their language because they can see what they are doing in the people around them. Then they also integrate that action/activity and it is much easier for the parent as well. So we encourage children to socialize with each other, to get to know each other, to play with each other in order to develop harmoniously.
Media Partner: A7TV
Is the age of 3 too early for speech therapy?
Children may have a delay in expressive language. This means that they have difficulties in using words, phrases and sentences to clearly express their wishes and needs. If a 3-year-old child does not speak yet or his speech and language are not as mature as they should be, he can start speech therapy to help him improve.
How does the speech therapist work?
The speech therapist can model, adjust the vocabulary and grammar in a correct way and can use repetition exercises to develop language skills. Articulation or sound production exercises involve modeling by the speech therapist the correct sounds and syllables in words and sentences for a child. Often, they are done during play activities.
Why would a child need a speech therapist?
Children may need speech therapy for several reasons, such as cognitive (intellectual, thinking) or other developmental delays, swallowing problems, hearing impairments.
Discuss your concerns with a speech therapist
Discuss your concerns with a speech therapist.